First seen April 15, 2016. Last updated on August 26, 2023.

The credit card charge "WWW.VTSUP.COM- AMSTERDAM" was first recorded on April 15, 2016. It has been flagged as suspicious by our users.

Do you have any information regarding this credit card charge? If so, please share below! Help others avoid a potential confusion by commenting!

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77% of users have reported this charge as suspicious.

Merchant Information

Merchant/Company VTSup (edit)
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Description This is NOT a scam. This website is for horneyfriends.com. The first part is just the billing service for them. Anyone pretending not to know what this charge is for is either very forgetful or just plain lying! (edit)


Ivan L Marchant on November 06, 2021

There are two charges on my October statement each for$23.99 and dated 4th Oct and 5th Oct

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Harry on April 23, 2022

Verotel appears as vtsup.com - they facilitate scam webistes being paid - they won;t help you get your money back - they are shocking. If you see ANY website that uses Verotel or that advises charges will appear with the reference of vtsup.com then you are most likely being scammed. Avoid like cancer.

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Fiedler on July 01, 2022


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P Mountain on July 16, 2022

I noticed this company on my credit card statement ,£29.99, do i call my credit card company and cannel my card ?

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jerry rosenbaum on December 05, 2022

I was charged 2 times for membership on flirt russian brides,please remmove 1 of the charges and cancle my membership and make no more charges on my visa card

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Antonio on December 09, 2022

J'ai remarqué sur mon relevé bancaire un montant de de CHF 30.45 de vtsup.com*CH-Tel.com du 01.12.2022 que je ne reconnais pas. Et comme je vois je ne suis pas le seul à m'être fait arnaquer par ce site. Je demande donc un remboursement total dans les 10 jours. Merci d'en prendre bonne note.

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Andrea on December 18, 2022

Mi hanno addebitato 5 euro

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Paulos on December 20, 2022

Σταματήστε αυτή την συναλλαγή

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Andrei on January 12, 2023

Guys, go to Verotel.com and press the unsubscribe option on the page, it will automaticaly find the subscription for you and you can cancel it. Just been billed this mornind and did so, the subscription was on a website that had a subscription fee once on 3 months, so I forgot about it, it will tell you what website is billing you and you can unsubscribe freely and safe.

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James Totten on January 12, 2023

What is this charge for and how can I cancel it.

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Rick Wysynski on January 14, 2023

No idea of this charge

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Mr N Driscoll on January 16, 2023

You have taken over £4000, Sporadically, from MY bank account so Ince Dec 1st 2022, possibly beyond???? These are transactions NOT made by, nor endorsed by ME???? I am looking for, A FULL and COMPLETE REFUND, of MY MONEY, IMMEDIATELY, as thus is FRAUD, and I HAVE notified my BANK, ACCORDINGLY!!! Please respond, IMMEDIATELY, as they are waiting on my returning YOUR DECISION (S)??? Kind regards, Mr N Driscoll BSc ICSc

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Chris Nielsen on January 28, 2023

They have charged me 399, 00 DKR. on December 19, 2022 for no reason. I have not bought anything. I just found out today and will contact my kreditcard provider ASAP.

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Alexander on January 31, 2023

Elke schrijven af 16 euro.

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vtsup.com Funion LP on February 06, 2023

this is all that shows up onmy credit card i have no idea of this charge its a scam 100%

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Judy on July 05, 2023

vtsup.com*techhelp u 3 fraudulent charges of 25.00 usd each in one day to drain the credit balance to 0 after someone else charged 8,000 usd in $1000. USD increments a few days prior. Hadn't used the card in 90 days.

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Vtsup.Com*Funion LP on July 10, 2023

mi hanno addebitato 99,95€

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David Graham on July 31, 2023

15.07.2023 ZAR 1289.81 Vtsup.com*funion LP Amsterdam This is fraudulent use of my bank account and has been reported to my bank

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Ted on August 26, 2023

I need to stop this. I do not recognize and/or want their service or product. It sounds like a SCAM to me.

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Do you know what the source of this charge is?