What is STEAMGAMES.COM 425-952-29?

First seen April 15, 2016. Last updated on January 19, 2023.

The credit card charge "STEAMGAMES.COM 425-952-29" was first recorded on April 15, 2016. It has been flagged as suspicious by our users.

Do you have any information regarding this credit card charge? If so, please share below! Help others avoid a potential confusion by commenting!

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65% of users have reported this charge as suspicious.

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Phone 425-8899642 (edit)
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Nguyen Thi Thuy Dung on July 28, 2018

On 27th July 2018 - at 10:04PM (GMT+7) I got informed that my bank account was withdrawn an amount of total 1,522,000VND via messages with the contents: The 1st message "27/07/2018 amount VND22000.00 POS at STEAMGAMES.COM 425-952-29 by Debit card xxxxxxx1599.Standard Chartered" - The 2nd message "27/07/2018 Amount VND1500000.00 POS at STEAMGAMES.COM 425-952-29 by Debit card xxxxxxx1599.Standard Chartered Thank you for using your StanChart card ending 4307 on 27-07-18 for VND 1500000.00. If you have not made this transaction, please call us on 842839110000/ 842436960000." I would like to strongly confirm that I did not made any of these transactions because my card was lost right before that. The person who got my card has done all of these transactions, please kindly support to cancel all of them. bank account number 99-2505215-99. Let me know if you need to be provided with any extra information via my email: ms.yulng@gmail.com

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Valerio Natividade on January 11, 2022

Recebi uma cobrança da Steamgames.com 4259522 Hamburger DE 29,99 real (dolar conversao 0,0000)

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Mary on March 16, 2022

Sta notte anche a me hanno addebitato con due pagamenti sul questo sito. Ho avvisato la banca a bloccare la carta

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Jhian on August 09, 2022

I may have been a victim of a fraud, I've been charged with $10.49 and I did not made any purchase, I've already checked my recently bought items on steam and I did not see any purchases, but there is a "Steam Purchase 425-952-2985 DE" in my bank account. Should I be worried?

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angelina pizana on January 11, 2023

for some reason i got an update that I've been charged for STEAMGAMES.COM 4259522985 , 99999999 425-8899642, WA which is strange because i didn't purchase anything like that and it took all my money in my card and i dont know how to get it back

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Jim on January 19, 2023

Steam purchase 425-952-2985 scammers

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Do you know what the source of this charge is?