First seen April 15, 2016. Last updated on January 15, 2024.

The credit card charge "ENREGISTCART TORONTO ON" was first recorded on April 15, 2016. It has been flagged as suspicious by our users.

Do you have any information regarding this credit card charge? If so, please share below! Help others avoid a potential confusion by commenting!

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73% of users have reported this charge as suspicious.

Merchant Information

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Description Assurance anti fraude de BMO banque de Montréal (edit)


bank on May 23, 2018

This is card assist you can easily call and cancel def not a scam

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Joseph Aghaby on April 08, 2019

Transaction is for ???

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Hani Batal on September 12, 2019

what is the transaction for ?

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enregistcart on April 04, 2021

I was charge on my visa, September 15 -16 2020 , 34.49$ and I have never did a search in the past. I did even know that you existed. What is that charge for and who this was done?

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Jean-René Dufour on September 14, 2021

Que signifie cette transaction.

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Ovide Cote on November 23, 2021

J'ai été chargé sur la carte de crédit un montant de 34,48$ le 20 octobre 2021. J'aimerais avoir plus de détails svp. Je voudrais savoir pourquoi

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Enregistcart on January 22, 2022

I never saw this company or charges before, kindly delete it from my account

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Lisa L on February 28, 2022

Enregiscart is a service they provide in case you lose your credit card or is stolen/it is a one stop shop where you call them and report any or all credit cards have been lost/stolen and they will report your stolen cards to all respective companies. it is an autorenewal therefore if you're not interested, you call merchant at 18884546364. They also provide other services but don't recall what they are.

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Céline G March 28th, 2022 on March 28, 2022

What is that charge? I've never been charge for a lost credit card before, why are you charging now ? I would like to get my 34.48$ back in my account please

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enregistcart 866649333 on April 19, 2022

$34.48 facturé ,jamais autorisé

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Richard Wilson on April 22, 2022

On m'a facturé le 12 Janvier 2022 $68,93 sur une de mes anciennes carte de crédit qui n'existe plus depuis 2015 (enregistcrte88845463640 Ma banque de Montréal ne veux rien faire pour régler ce litige sont aussi responsables qu'eux

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Barry on July 23, 2022

They refunded my money less 1.00 + less. I am now waiting to speak to Mastercard investigation branch. They haves no right to charge any money on my card. The bank had no clue about these dudes when I asked today and the informed me I should call mastercard which is what I am now doing. Waiting forever.

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ENREGISTCART8884546364 on October 23, 2022

I have NEVER requested this service. In fact, I have already been charged in the past and have always had to report it. This time: 80.88$, on 21-10-2022!!

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Logo de la carte de crédit chargeSure.com on May 26, 2023


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RAYMONDA B D ANJOU on January 15, 2024

ENREGISTCART 884546364¸ RÉF.: U036409642 Je n'ai jamais adhéré à ce service. S.v.p. retirer ce frais de 34,48$ de mon compte Mastercard en date du 5 janvier 2024 et annuler mon compte à vos services

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Do you know what the source of this charge is?