First seen April 15, 2016. Last updated on February 23, 2023.

The credit card charge "SOFTMOC 8464 WHITBY ON L1N2C3 CAN" was first recorded on April 15, 2016. It has been flagged as suspicious by our users.

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100% of users have reported this charge as suspicious.

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Joshua on September 10, 2017

I also have this on my credit card. I did not buy anything from them.

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Chris on January 13, 2018

Had 450$ come out of our checking account. Not us.

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Lyndsey on February 06, 2019

I had a charge from softmoc 8464 while I was in an airplane. It was $229. I reported it to my bank right away and got a new visa.

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Thomas on February 03, 2020

Also had two charges from SoftMoc on my CC which were not mine. Reported it and was issued a new CC.

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Sonia on February 22, 2020

Between Feb 7 - 19, 2020 there were 18 Softmoc 8464 Whitby Ontario charges on my Visa. None of these charges were legit.

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Sharon on July 04, 2020

Saw this charge on my credit card for the amount of $282.00 and I never made this purchase. I called my bank and they are investigating the matter and my card has been cancelled. A new one will be issued to me

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Abe Nonemous on October 14, 2020

$375 fraud charge Oct 13,2020

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Christina Kilby on February 23, 2023

I was charged from this store. $360.18. I live in Hamilton and I haven't shopped at Soft Moc ever.

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Do you know what the source of this charge is?