What is PACSUN #0003?

First seen April 15, 2016. Last updated on July 25, 2022.

The credit card charge "PACSUN #0003" was first recorded on April 15, 2016. It has been flagged as suspicious by our users.

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67% of users have reported this charge as suspicious.

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ANDREA on April 13, 2019

I just saw this charge on my bank statement PACSUN #0003 $265.00. I called and reported it as fraud. I also called PACSUN and they said if it doesn't hvae " .com" at the end of it, then it was an in store purchase. I asked how someone can make a purchase in store without ID and a debit card with the # on it. The lady on the phone didn't want to discuss this with me, because I think she knows that is something they are not supposed to do. Well it has costed me $265.00. My bank is investigating it.

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PACSUN #0003 on May 01, 2019


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Pac sun 0003 on August 22, 2019

Fraud alert for over $400 at pacsun 0003. Days merchant/card holder entered in info.

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Selina Holm on November 20, 2019

Has anyone used Shein? Trying to find the if the same websites were used. I recently just got a new card and this charge was made to Pacsun #0003. I had to change my card from before because a fraud was recently made from the previous card.

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Gail T on December 02, 2019

PacSun 0003 - FRAUD. Thankfully caught by my credit card company. Would be nice if we could find the common website that we're all using that is scamming our card numbers. I regularly use Oriental Trading Company (.com), Webstaurant (.com) and Walmart. Recently I made a couple purchases on Amazon and the product was received from China.

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Romona o on June 11, 2020

They took 301.70 off of my paypal cash card and I cant seem to dispute it.

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Pacson #0003 on September 02, 2020

Got hit for $250. Not sure how my card was compromised

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Noser on November 19, 2020

Two charges for $40 and $240. Caught immediately and reported to VISA. Doesn't look like i'll have to pay for either. Never shopped with PacSun and no other false charges noted. Stopped card, re-issued. No idea how it was compromised.

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Eldon on November 23, 2020

I’m a buyer from Taiwan I did tried to buy clothes from pacsun but when I finish typing my credit card on the website what I did is use a website helps consolidate my orders but it shows that my name and address was wrong so I tried 13 times then I got my bill saying 13 times that I tried was paid but I didn’t get any order confirm I was find 1500 US dollars.

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Kacie on December 11, 2021

Two charges for $51, unsure where the hell they came from

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Brian on June 29, 2022

I just recently got alerted by my credit card company about a potentially fraudulent charge of $550 from Pacsun #0003. I immediately put a temporary hold on my card as my credit card company denied the charge. I called customer service and they recommended reaching out to Pacsun to report this issue so I'll see what they say

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Ryan on July 25, 2022

I got charged for Pacsun#0003 on my credit card and on the pacsun app there is no history of any purchases

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Do you know what the source of this charge is?