First seen April 15, 2016. Last updated on December 07, 2023.

The credit card charge "PSV*NUTRITION AND HEALING443- MD" was first recorded on April 15, 2016. It has been flagged as suspicious by our users.

Do you have any information regarding this credit card charge? If so, please share below! Help others avoid a potential confusion by commenting!

Do you recognize this charge?

85% of users have reported this charge as suspicious.

Merchant Information

Merchant/Company PSV Nutrition and healing (edit)
Website Click to Add
Phone 8005391966 (edit)
Category Click to Add
Description Click to Add


POV*nutrition a 5968 on November 13, 2017

Has a recurring charge on my bank statement of $37:00 each month, I have no idea what for.

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psv*nutrician an on May 13, 2018

just got hit with this on my card no idea what it is or where it came from,keep getting these surveys poping up and at end wants you to pay shipping for their 88 dollar reward, even though i did not fill out the shipping form due to it stating you get a 14 dollar trial period then must cancel in the very small print , beware of these

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PSV Nutrition and Healing on October 08, 2018

I have a charge on my Capital One statement dated August 15, 2018. I do not recall ordering anything from this company

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Eileen F Schoonover on October 09, 2018

I would like to know why this is on my Bank Statement

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Robert C Frymire on October 30, 2018

I don't know about this site. Please cancel my membership and refund the charges.

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Michael Snyder on November 30, 2018

I have a charge for PSV Nutrition and Healing on my USAA Visa Signature card on November 10, 2018 that I did not make. I want this deleted/removed.

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PSV Nutrition AN on February 11, 2019

This charge showed up for $37. I did NOT authorize this charge. How do I dispute it?

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Thelma Lou Pickett on March 11, 2019

I have no idea who, what and where, this transaction has come from. It is pending so I cannot discharge this item until it becomes paid as of today. PSVNutrition and He for $37.00.

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robert rock, 8,ballyloughan pk bt435hw n ireland on June 28, 2019

just noticed i have £27.66 taken from my visa account on 30 /4 /18 i have been ill for some months and i have just noticed this now. i did not order anything

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Donald Paul on July 07, 2019

I did not order anything from this company. They charge my Vise which I did not authorize. What is going on.

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Christie Brumley on July 15, 2019

Have charged my account have attorneys looking to sue for hacking credit cards

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Ramon Haynes on July 18, 2019

Have no idea who this company is and have not made any purchases with them.

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Patricia Simmons on July 31, 2019

I did have a subscription but did not renew it. I also have received a charge for them on my bank account. Their email address is NutritiaonandHealing @newmarket.com.

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NutritiaonandHealing @newmarket.com on September 13, 2019

do not know what charge is for

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Marinda Hillard on October 08, 2019

I reported this PSV*Nutrition and Healing to my Credit Card Bank. I noticed a charge on my statement today for over $39.00. Never heard of them. October 7, 2019

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Carl Leonard on October 24, 2019

This is a site which is the home of Dr. Glenn S. Rothfeld.(nutritionand health.com). He offers many books and other items for sell. If you ordered anything from him, it may show up as PSVNutrirtionand Healing.

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Mmm on October 26, 2019

Unauthorized charge of $37 on my bank debit card.

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Richard on November 09, 2019

I just noticed a charge on my debit card from psv of which I have made no purchases.

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Sharon Betty on November 17, 2019

I have had the charge of $37.00 which of course I have no idea what this is for. Going back on my bank statements I will correlate how often this has happened which is several times which is very distressing.

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Roberta Madro on November 27, 2019

Fake charges FRAUD " PSV " CHARGES OF 49.72 THEN 200.23 THEN 199.99

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Annie on December 07, 2019

Charge $40.18 on 12/07/2019

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thomas dobbs on December 08, 2019

what the heck give my money back..$30.16 nz

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Dallas Allred on December 12, 2019

You have taken money out of our account and we don’t even know who or what or even how you got it out we want it put back

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Francisco Teodoro Acosta on December 15, 2019

Recibi por mail el anuncio de unas curaciones milagrosas,para muchas enfermedades, como PSV NUTRITION@HEALT y realice un pago por un libro y unas pastillas que ofrecian;hasta el momento no recibo lo ofrecido,sino mas informaciones de otros medicos que ofrecen milagrosas curaciones. Me dirijo a ustedes por la advertencia que hacen y que debo hacer con mi tarjeta,por cuanto di informacion sobre la misma?. Francisco Teodooro Acosta V El pago fue de Us.74 con mi tarjeta Visa Titanium

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Ruth Dalman on January 08, 2020

This is a fraudulent charge. I've never heard of not asked them for anything, much less purchased anything from them.

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Sheri Nichols on January 08, 2020

I have never ordered anything g from this company it better stop! Now!

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MJ de Bruin on January 08, 2020

I got notifications just now of an amount for R546.02 with this reference !!!

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LINDA RICHARD DIADAMO on January 08, 2020


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Jill Terra on January 09, 2020

This PSV HEALTH AND HEALING CAME OUT IF MY BANK ACCT OF 39.00. Please stop these people.

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Anita on January 10, 2020

$37 shows pending on my credit card & I did Not authorize any charge....please refund....do Not charge. This is crazy!

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*PSV Nutrition and He on January 14, 2020

An unauthorised amount of R546.02 went of my business account!!

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Ken on January 18, 2020

No knowledge of the charge or company. Did not order anything from them.

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Gwendolyn Green on February 10, 2020

This company tried to charge my account $37.00 several times on 2/10/2020 in the middle of the night and at 2:20 AM. Could not reach anyone about these charge attempts 8:45 am on 2/10/2020

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Loebenberg on February 16, 2020

Charged 37$ and have no idea what this is

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Beatriz on March 10, 2020

Unauthorized charge from PSV Nutrition an Healing800-539966 MD, never answer. charge is 39.22 and I don't have idea what this is.

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Psv nutrition and healing on April 11, 2020

37.00 went out of my acct. Have no idea what this is!SptBb7

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Jack Vanderstoep on April 15, 2020

I donot have any subscription of this company mentioned!

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Brenda Langley on June 09, 2020

I have a charge show up today for $37.00 at my bank and did not order anything from a Dr Glen Rothchild!

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Naomi Bentham on June 26, 2020

On the 9th June 2020 £30.11p for paving Nutrition and Healing. Can you please tell me this is for. I did not order anything from Dr Rothschild.

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darrell creque on June 29, 2020

have no idea what this charge is all about, more thatn one charge.

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Rose Hamilton on July 13, 2020

I do not know this company and I did not make this charge on my card

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PVS Nutrition and Healing on August 05, 2020

No nothing about this charge

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psv charge on my bank account on August 08, 2020

unauthorized charg on my account when this happens I report fraud to the bank and they immeadiatley return the money and stop payment. There is a stop payment charge but this usuall works as the bank launches an fraud investigatio n

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Wayne lounsbury on August 18, 2020

Change of $39 on credit card never authorized will be calling to have it removed immediately

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larry on August 23, 2020

did not make this charge. it is a scam charge,

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Susan on August 26, 2020

I received a charge to PSV Nutrition and Healing on my credit card in the amount of $37.00 and I do not know who this is or what the charge is for on May 24, 2020.

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Gary Rasnake on September 15, 2020

Did not make this charge on my credit card. The amount is also $37.00. August 8, 2020.

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Bonnie S Brown on September 17, 2020

I have a charged on my credit card for PSV , Sept 7, 2020. I have no idea where this came from or how they got my credit card number. I AM reporting this to my company. This is a fraudulent charge.

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Carla Williams on September 21, 2020

I have been charge $37.00 on my charge card but did not order anything. Please remove this from my card!

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Johanna Laan on September 25, 2020

I was charged on my bank account by psv* nutrition. I never ordered anything from them. Please does anybody know about this.

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Larry Templeman on December 18, 2020

Appeared on my visa credit card and have no knowledge of it

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PVS Nutrition on February 03, 2021

I did not make this charge

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PVS Nutrition on March 04, 2021

I was charged $37.00 to my capitol one credit card on March 02, 2021. I have no idea what this charge is for.

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Sandra l, Mitchell on March 17, 2021

I did place an order Promotion Code PNAHV402, for a Total of $39.50. Please cancel my order after this Subscription. Thank you.

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Pv nutrition and healing on April 08, 2021

Unauthorized charge for $37.00

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Shirley Coleman on April 16, 2021

April 15,2021 A charge for $37.00 is on my charge card that I didn't make! I don't even know what the product is! Please respond to email jwc4sic@aol.com immediately!!!!!!

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A woodrow on May 06, 2021

Showed up on my cc today 5-6-2021

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PSV nutrition on May 06, 2021

I did authorize this charge. Don't know what are who it is from

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Evelyn on May 09, 2021

I didn't authorize this charge on my credit card .

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Elaine on May 12, 2021

This charge has for the last 4 days been trying to take an amount of money from my account absolutely no idea who or what it is for.

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Bob Lloyd on May 13, 2021

What a scam They charged $39.07 to my account without my permission. I am calling the fraud division of Arizona . My bank is also reversing the charge. THIS IS A HUGE SCAM

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JUDY LOW on May 17, 2021

I did not authorize this charge on my visa account and was charged $46.85 May 4 . I will report it.

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Laurie Moore on July 05, 2021

I have a charge on my credit card for $38.07 with this company and have no idea what it is for. If I don't have it removed or credited back to said care immediately, I will report this charge as fraud

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George M on July 07, 2021

$37 charged while sleeping, PSV Nutrition in Baltimore, you have been doing this for 3 years, Today, you are my case, I will dedicate my whole day with the Federal Trade Commission, and get you, I got ways.

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Keith on July 07, 2021

I do not know, I was charged 37.00 Today, 7/7/2021. It must be fraud

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Amaria on July 18, 2021

I was charged 37.00 , don't know what this is BUT I will report it

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LYNANN KIMBERLY on July 20, 2021

never heard of... never ordered from this company

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Stanley on July 21, 2021

Unauthorized charge of $37.00 on my dbit card

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Jim Holder on July 28, 2021

I sig.ned up for the Oxford Communique as recommended by Bill O'Rielly and the charge for that had the address of PSV Oxford Club MD. This is an investment company. They over charged me initially but corrected it after I called. I bought a book from the PSV Nutrition & Healing last August and the charged showed up again on my last statement. July 27, 2021.

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IOANNIS VLATAKIS on August 09, 2021

i 've been charged with 33.75 € on the 3rd Aug. without any transaction with this fu@@#!!! entity!

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Ed V on August 13, 2021

I didn't order anything from this company. How can I get a refund ?

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PSV*Nutrition and Heal 800-5391966 MD on December 06, 2021

I've been charged on my VISA $37 on 29/11/2021 amd charged on 26/11/2021

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Barbara on December 06, 2021

ZAR614.18 stolen from my account, with my card details. This in spite of the fact that I have security against unauthorised transactions.

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Ron Munkres on January 11, 2022

I have had this charged to my account too. What should we do about this?

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Joanne susi on February 05, 2022

I am being charged monthly from this company. i have no idea how this has happened

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PSV*Nutrition on February 08, 2022

Charged on 2/7/2022 $37.00 do not know what this is for. Scam?

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Peter V on March 09, 2022

Do not know what this charge is for.

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Psv nutrition and heal on March 18, 2022

I don't know who this is, no way to contact them but a charge for $74 just appeared on my account. I want them stopped

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Jean Cartwright. on April 07, 2022

Just had £28 .27 taken from my bank account . Don’t know what it’s for it seen they took some out last year which I didn’t know about . It seem has this company dose not exist . Tried phoning them but all the number does not exist. Be careful and always check your bank account.

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Finnegan on May 03, 2022

no - - did not make this charge - - $708.

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Marie Francois on May 09, 2022

YPSV nutrition and health . You have been taking money out my Bank Of America account for 3 Yers. Stop the process and cancel any subscription I may have with you. $40.42 Last charged on Aug 4, 2021 Regular Checking - 9423 Once a vear Next charge estimated on Aug 9, 2022 Estimated annual spend $40.42 Charge History 08/04/2021 08/09/2020 $40.42 $37.00

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JRoger Boudreau on May 11, 2022

Unknown charge

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PVSNutrition And Healing on June 15, 2022

$3-7.00 was charged to my Bank of America VIA card on 4-23-2022. no recordor mem0ry of ordering anything from this URL.

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PSV nutrition & healing 8005391966 MD on July 21, 2022

Scam that posted to my Visa card bill this month in the amount of $37.00

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PSV Nutrition and Healing on July 27, 2022

Unauthorized $37.00 charge on my credit card.

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JVL on July 30, 2022

PSV Nutrition and Heal on July 29, 2022 Unauthorised 39.60€ charge on my Visa Credit Card

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Eugenia Alvarado on August 18, 2022

I just noticed on my visa card a charge for $74 dollars from PSV Nutrition and Healing that i did not authorized on July 7, 2022

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Angela T. on September 08, 2022

My bank just notified me of an authorized purchase through PVS nutrition for $37 never have I visited this website before September 09-2022

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PSV*Nutrition and Healing on October 27, 2022

I don’t know who they are and I did not order from them.

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PSV*Nutrition and Healing on November 12, 2022

I have never been on this site before and have never ordered anything from them but I am charged, Nov. 9, 2022. I want this discontinued as of today. Thank you!

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Charles Butts on November 27, 2022

PSV Nutrition and Healing on Nov. 27, 2022 My visa card was charged by PSV Nutrition and Healing. The charge was declined because I never heard of this company.

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Nutrition & Healing formerly Health Revelations on December 08, 2022

PER NOVEMBER 5, 2022 EMAIL: Health Revelations Newsletter ceased publishing and transferred all info to Nutrition & Healing with Dr Alan Inglis as new editor and lead Dr. NO renewal notification!! Upon signing up for Health Revelations I authorized (I think) auto renewal. Go to Nutrition & Healing website www.nutritionandhealing.com to cancel!! If unable to: hit contact at bottom of website and fill out form for customer service.

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Jeffrey Cregg on December 24, 2022

I never authorized a charge for $37 for a continuing subscription

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Dave Johnston on January 18, 2023

I just saw this on my CC bill! I have no idea what it is or why its being charged to my CC. I am filing a dispute with my bank.

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Allen Johnson on April 12, 2023

PSV. Scamming criminals Should have checked the internet before filling out the order form. How can these robbers keep getting away with their criminal activity? Where is the order of importance here, stopping a 60 year old lady and giving her a ticket or allowing these criminals to take money from you in your bank?

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Allen Johnson on April 12, 2023

Allen Johnson on April 12, 2023 PSV. Scamming criminals Should have checked the internet before filling out the order form. How can these robbers keep getting away with their criminal activity? Where is the order of importance here, stopping a 60 year old lady and giving her a ticket or allowing these criminals to take money from you in your bank?

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Lola on June 09, 2023

I just had to cancel my card due to being charged $37.00 a month.

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Thomas T on August 12, 2023

I too got a charge of $37.00 on my NEW VISA and call the credit union to cancel my card, I have no idea who these people are and have never ordered from them. They are a rip-off.

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PSV* NUTRITION on August 12, 2023

Rip off company did not order any thing from them and they charged my Visa $37.00. How are they getting our nimbers???

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Cancel subscription on December 07, 2023

Cancel my subscripcription

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Do you know what the source of this charge is?