First seen April 15, 2016. Last updated on July 03, 2023.

The credit card charge "FRUUGO ULVERSTON GBR" was first recorded on April 15, 2016. It has been flagged as suspicious by our users.

Do you have any information regarding this credit card charge? If so, please share below! Help others avoid a potential confusion by commenting!

Do you recognize this charge?

65% of users have reported this charge as suspicious.

Merchant Information

Merchant/Company Fruugo (edit)
Website https://www.fruugo.co.uk/ (edit)
Phone Click to Add
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Description Click to Add


Margaret Verbickas on July 20, 2017

I've just received my statement & it shows Fruugo Ulverston GB. WHO ARE THEY. I've no knowledge of them. I know who I've bought from online this month & I don't know who they are but they've taken money from my account..

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M V on July 21, 2017

Sorted now ,my mistake sorry a transaction I'd completely forgotten about.

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Anthony Varghese on March 23, 2018

My Citibank statement shows Fruugo Ulverston GB. I don't remember any transaction done...

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MARGARET DICKINSON on February 28, 2019

M Citibank statement shows Fruugo Ulverston GB. I have never done business with them.

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Janie Lucio on January 06, 2022

I don't know this company and they take money from card

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Beverley Close on January 24, 2022

I did not auathorise this payment to my Credit card and ask my bank to delte this transacation an re instate my card as it now ha a stop on it

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FRUUGO ULVERSTON GB on June 11, 2022


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Eric on October 29, 2022

fraudulent transaction on credit card

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Dawn Nicholson on January 19, 2023

A transaction from my account on December 9th 2022. How do I investigate?w

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Fruugo Australia on January 26, 2023

No contact details to cancel my order, wish to stop transaction

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FRUUGO ULVERSTON GB on January 31, 2023

WHO ARE THEY ? CHARGED 317.99 will call credit card company fraud it seems

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Fruugo on January 31, 2023

Purchased shoes online Jan. 21/2023. Still waiting on shipment details (Jan. 31/2023

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Jørn Witzøe on February 28, 2023

7th of December 2022 I ordered and payed for a music stand NoKr 395.-. It has still not arrived! Please investigate! Askim 28th of february 2023 Jørn Witzøe Guderudgata 3 Askim – Norway 047 913 26 315

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kelvin on May 05, 2023

unauthorized transactin to this unknown company

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Will K on June 30, 2023

Fruugo is a Custom T-Shirt company website. They sell branded band t-shirts

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Fruugo.com ulverstonGBR MERCHANT on July 03, 2023

who are they i have been charged on my credit card dont recall buying anything

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Do you know what the source of this charge is?