First seen April 15, 2016. Last updated on October 26, 2019.
The credit card charge "BOZZO REA/ST PHILLIPS MAPLE ON" was first recorded on April 15, 2016. It has been deemed not suspicious by our users.
Do you have any information regarding this credit card charge? If so, please share below! Help others avoid a potential confusion by commenting!
Merchant/Company | ST Phillips Bakery (edit) |
Website | (edit) |
Phone | Click to Add |
Category | Click to Add |
Description | St. Phillips Bakery Woodbridge and Maple, Ontario, Canada (edit) |
I also found 3 charges on my credit card but no info online?
St. Phillips Bakery
St. Phillips Bakery - Woodbridge
St. Phillips Bakery Woodbridge
It is St Phillips bakery. It really surprised me too, as we tried to trace it. Why can't they just use the business name that we all know them by?