First seen April 15, 2016. Last updated on June 01, 2022.

The credit card charge "SQ *JONAS LAFORGE SURREY BC" was first recorded on April 15, 2016. It has not been reported by any users.

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Anonymous on October 23, 2021

Jonas Laforge is a criminal who has had his naturopathic medicine license revoked from the board. He is the biggest fraud and scam from Surrey! Please beware and warn others. There are many social media posts warning women about him. He is a predator and preys on very, very young women. Disgusting!

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Warren on October 24, 2021

Finally someone is speaking out about this fat sh*t! He owes millions of dollars for some public company he has been scamming everyone for. Millions! Probably innocent families too! He thinks he is gods gift to the world hahahaha what a joke!! He counterfeited Jimmy Hendrix cannabis oil, is being sued for copyright, claims owns countless dispensaries all over the place. His life is as fake as his watch!!!

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Ashley on October 26, 2021

There is a warning about this guy on a !$#ual assault survivor page on Instagram!! I bet we will start seeing more women come forward with their dealings with this person now that this link it shared. he refers to himself as a doctor and asks that everyone calls him a doctor but he lost his license or something? He used to do my botox and act all weird and flirty every time he came over. he would inject my lips and make really inappropirate comments. His rates were cheap and he takes cash, probably doesn't even declare his cash income! He never touched me but I heard he did with many other girls.

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Finally on November 02, 2021

Finally people are starting to speak up about this goof. He is a white supremacist racist !&$^%#* con artist and owes money to so many people for losing their investment in his stupid hemp scheme.

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Crime Stoppers has a warning on this goof for !$#ual assault and domestic violence on December 07, 2021

His ex gf finally spoke up about the abuse that went on during their entire relationship!! Since then, at least 4 more women have come forward to share their stories about him relating to !$#ual assault. He he raped his ex gf and many other women!!

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Anonymous on January 05, 2022

I can’t believe what I’m reading. I’ve know Jonas for over 10years! Since he started doing Botox house calls. This behaviour stated above actually isn’t surprising. He is a party guy, loves girls, blow, lots of girls. He used to prey on his “clients” and offer some of us free Botox I’m exchange for partying or in his words “cuddling”. He was really inappropriate not only with me but every single client! All the girls talk and we share his humiliating preying stories. Hearing that he has assaulted women doesn’t come as a shock to me either. He is kind of a stalker and super creepy.

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HAHAHAHAHA on June 01, 2022

Everyone knew the truth would come to light!!!!!!! He tried to molest my friend at his condo after some drinks and favors. SUPER CREEP!!!

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