First seen April 15, 2016. Last updated on July 26, 2023.

The credit card charge "SERVICES DE TRANSPORTA DORVAL PQ" was first recorded on April 15, 2016. It has been flagged as suspicious by our users.

Do you have any information regarding this credit card charge? If so, please share below! Help others avoid a potential confusion by commenting!

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56% of users have reported this charge as suspicious.

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Merchant/Company Amir sherbrooke (edit)
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Paul on August 18, 2017

just charged me 16$ but have no clue what it is

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Kat on August 21, 2017

I believe it is the taxi from the airport to your hotel -- if you hotel is downtown, it is a flat $40 fee per the government (plus tip) -- converted into dollars.

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Mich on February 06, 2018

It is the taxi to or fro the airport

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Bertrand on December 21, 2018

Hi I have to trace a transaction with the same company name... Do you remember which specific taxi company this was ?

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Travel lodge hotel to the airport on March 05, 2019

On 27 February; 46$ has been charge to my visa credit card ?

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Travelodge hôtel cote de liesse on March 05, 2019

46$ on été chargé sur ma visa 27 feb

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leo on July 12, 2019

Charged 36$ on july 10 Suspect its hidden charges from Wish.com order, anyone else can confirm they made business with Wish in the same couple days that they have been charged?

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Sheldon on July 16, 2019

I was charged this past weekend, do you know a number to reach them?

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TPHDH on August 09, 2019

I was charge 54$ on my credit card after someone steal my wallet. No idea what this is

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Trish on March 12, 2020

It is definitely for a taxi in Dorval QC. Services de Transportation is the name of the taxi company. They do provide receipts at the time of payment. I have all of mine and they exactly match m credit card statement.

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Service de transporta on January 18, 2021

Thts fraud company they took on my credit card automatically Take payment 37.53$ I don’t know about this frst time be careful

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Dalbir kaur on April 22, 2021


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Service de transporta on May 17, 2021

53.47$ il on pris sur mon compte de carte de crédit. La dame chez Mastercard mentionner que c'était une compagnie de taxi . Fraude

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PIC on July 30, 2021

Finalement j’ai trouvé… C’est le paiement pour ma commande chez Basha (resto) !

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Claudia on October 02, 2021

It’s a taxi who pick me up in Marshall and try to charge me 17$ for the ride of 2 minutes .

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Aminata on October 20, 2021

Services de Transporta a pris 112.45$ sur ma carte de credit alors que je n'ai pas fait de paiement. La banque soutient que cela a ete fait par non contact. C'est assurement une fraude

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Loris on February 23, 2022

Do you know exactly what is the taxi company name ?

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Louise on June 01, 2022


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Imerel on July 16, 2022

Services de Transporta a pris 36,47 sur ma carte de crèdit.. it's a scam!! Living away from Dorval and transaction happened there. Any useful hint?

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Ken on August 03, 2022

I never been to dorval on that specific date I got charged this fee but I've been eating at the Amir (Libanaise cuisine resto 2745 Rue King O, Sherbrooke, Qc, J1L 1C1, Sherbrooke, QC, Canada, Quebec) in Sherbrooke on that same day and have no other transaction for that Amir purchase. My best bet is that it's Amir is part of a conglomerate of companies own by the same owner that is using the same ATM machine for all his company which make no sense at all and sound really shady if you ask me but that would be an explanation All I know is that I were not "overcharged" anything on that particular month so this is the only logical explanation I can see other then scam I would say check where you been eating recently on that particular charged day and you might come to a similar conclusion that I did.

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Remi on August 10, 2022

The previous comment by Ken is right. We also didn't recognized the origin of the charge at first, but we also had lunch at Amir in Sherbrooke, Qc, and were charged the corresponding amount. So I agree, it's probably the same owner/conglomerate. En français : Dans mon cas, il s'agit d'une transaction au restaurant Amir de Sherbrooke, Qc. Probablement un conglomérat ou un même propriétaire pour différentes entreprises tel que le mentionne Ken dans son commentaire du 3 août 2022.

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Philippe on August 14, 2022

Dans mon cas, c'était le restaurant Amir à Sherbrooke sur la rue King. Vraiment pas rapport comme nom...

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Mario on August 24, 2022

Sh*t---I reported a fraudulent transaction to my credit card issuer as I did not recognize this business SERVICES DE TRANSPORTA DORVAL, QC---- BUT I have eaten at that AMIR restaurant in Sherbrooke on the same date----so this is the transaction! Now my credit card has been blocked and will need to wait 4-10 days before getting a new one. Not really wise for AMIR to use that company name for transactions...

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Francine on August 27, 2022

J'ai pris un taxi hier en face du métro Laurier et ai payé avec carte de crédit, un montant qui apparaît à mon compte comme étant DE la compagnie de transporta dorval. Le problème est que mon porte-monnaie avec toutes mes cartes (ass. maladie, permis de conduire, crédit, carte bancaire) est tombée dans le taxi. J'ai essayé de rejoindre la cie de taxi en question et l'homme m'a dit qu'ils n'allaient pas au métro Laurier, il m'a engueulée et m'a dit qu'il poserait plainte pour harcèlement si je rappelais. QUE DOIS-JE FAIRE? Comment joindre le chauffeur de taxi de cette compagnie?

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Alex on August 31, 2022

I was going crazy... thanks @Remi (August 10, 2022) for the reference. Same thing happened to us, it is a charge from Amir in Sherbrooke, QC.

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Amir restaurant Sherbrooke on October 31, 2022

Je viens de faire annuler ma carte pensant à une fraude car jamais je n’ai été à Dorval pour faire une transaction. Mais MasterCard prétend que j’ai fait la transaction avec mon téléphone iPhone via l’application Apple Pay. Cette formation à créer un sérieux doute. Et en effet je suis allé manger chez Amir à Sherbrooke. Le montant correspond en effet une facture pour deux personnes. Comme mentionné par d’autres personnes, La compagnie gestionnaire restaurant Amir Hossein probablement de pardon plus grosses compagnies appelé service transportation Dorval. À valider!

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Amir Sherbrooke on May 15, 2023

Comme mentionné plus haut, je viens d'appeler le service de fraude de Desjardins en pensant que ceci était une fraude à Dorval - pourtant je suis en Estrie. Ce montant est le même que celui d'une facture de chez Amir à Sherbrooke.

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Dominic on May 21, 2023

Thanks to another user I found what this transaction was. I too bought food at Amir restaurant in Sherbrooke. I did not understood why I was charged for Transportation Dorval when I didn't get there. But, effectively the amount of the transaction corresponds t my purchase at Amir. Kind of dumb from Amir part. I will let them know.

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Marie on June 14, 2023

Semble provenir du Amir sur la rue King à Sherbrooke, c'est assez mélangeant, car ma carte de crédit a été chargée avec «Services transpota. Dorval»....

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Donna on July 26, 2023

June 19, 2023 The credit card charge seems to be related to the Amir Restaurant, King St. W, in Sherbrooke QC when food was purchased, and no entry under this restaurant name appeared, however, same date with amount posted to " Services Transporta, Dorval"

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Do you know what the source of this charge is?