First seen April 15, 2016. Last updated on November 11, 2021.

The credit card charge "PAYPAL *TOMGADGET SGP" was first recorded on April 15, 2016. It has been deemed not suspicious by our users.

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50% of users have reported this charge as suspicious.

Merchant Information

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Website http://www.canadatekk.com/power-tool-battery/mi... (edit)
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helen on June 07, 2016

I have tomgadget on my debit card for a camera battery I paid for on 3may,i haven't received battery and the two email addresses provided don't work.

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harry on June 19, 2016

bought a battery on ebay using paypal and never received any mail via seller for item

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John on June 13, 2018

Same thing Paid for Toshiba Laptop Battery on May 4th, Did not receive. Again email address do not exist.

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les lawson on October 17, 2018

this has been taken from paypal I will close paypal down

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Gloria Gaske on April 29, 2019

What is Dyson Tomgadget? I have been cj=harged for a Dyson Battery. I have not ordered a Battery. AWZMfp

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john w on May 25, 2020

brought dyson battery will not charge or work unable to contact Tomgadget

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Terje Bekkevold on November 11, 2021

Here I have ordered chain grinder for my fun saw. Motok a completely different type than what I ordered. Trying to contact them. Mail only comes in return Scams?

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Do you know what the source of this charge is?