First seen April 15, 2016. Last updated on December 27, 2022.

The credit card charge "PAYPAL *MY COM B V ON" was first recorded on April 15, 2016. It has been flagged as suspicious by our users.

Do you have any information regarding this credit card charge? If so, please share below! Help others avoid a potential confusion by commenting!

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52% of users have reported this charge as suspicious.

Merchant Information

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Website https://boosty.to (edit)
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Angélica f on June 13, 2021

Me llegaron 3 mail indicando un cargo de mi cuenta pay pal con el nombre re my.com b.v. que hacer al respecto , no e echo ninguna compra con tal nombre, agradezco alguna orientación

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My.com b.v. on February 16, 2022

Randomly withdrawn from PayPal account

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My.com b.v. on May 15, 2022

My.com b.v. changed a total of 5000RUB from my Paypal account.

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México, PayPal on May 16, 2022

Me acaba de pasar, un cobro de 10,000 Rupias; yo no realice ninguna compra

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Mike P on May 18, 2022

Nope - out of the blue and not authorized by me.

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Serhii M on June 21, 2022

I got the same problem, today got 2 transactions for 5.000 Rub each, a total of 10.0000 RUB. But I really didn't understand how it's possible...

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Erik on June 23, 2022

The source seems to be a website called Boosty.

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Wren on October 07, 2022

I do not recognize this charge. I never made a purchase through this seller, nor did I set up a subscription like the one I was charged $98 for.

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Piet on October 15, 2022

My.com charged 30€ and I did not buy anything from them an the PayPal support doesn't help ether Can anyone help?

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mishel on November 03, 2022

charged me and i dont even know what it is

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Christine Wallace on November 30, 2022

My.com B.V. just took $200 out of my paypal account and I don't have a clue what this is for. I disputed it in paypal and they rejected it. Paypal does NOT protect you. They are not safe. I don't know what to do. I can't find a way to contact this company that is stealing. So mad.

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Diego Rosado on December 02, 2022

Desde Perú he sido víctima de un robo así, acabo de hacer mi reclamo con Paypal y espero que devuelvan mi dinero transferido sin autorización

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mukal on December 05, 2022

Have you seen this charge on your MasterCard statement? If you have any information regarding the credit card charge CFCHARGE.COM 877- NV please share below!

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Pockets on December 25, 2022

I was confused when I saw My.com B.V. on my paypal activity. I realized it was from when I used Boosty to pay an artist for a commission. I have no idea why it is listed like that, but it was the right amount on the right day.

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Victor on December 27, 2022

I think this code (My.com b.v.) is used by boosty.to, which bloggers and the like use to receive donations. Perhaps you donated on boosty? I wish they used a less cryptic code though -- I too would have probably considered this a scam had I not remembered that I made a donation

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Do you know what the source of this charge is?