What is PAYPAL *4254SAJEE ON?

First seen April 15, 2016. Last updated on April 04, 2022.

The credit card charge "PAYPAL *4254SAJEE ON" was first recorded on April 15, 2016. It has been flagged as suspicious by our users.

Do you have any information regarding this credit card charge? If so, please share below! Help others avoid a potential confusion by commenting!

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58% of users have reported this charge as suspicious.

Merchant Information

Merchant/Company Pangu8 (edit)
Website https://pangu8.com/ (edit)
Phone Click to Add
Category Jailbreak (edit)
Description Selling fake jailbreaks. This is a scam. (edit)


Vlad on November 20, 2017

Dude, Its for jailbreak. You donated some $ to jailbreak your iphone.

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fanbnba on January 17, 2020

placed an order and have yet to receive it

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Crédit card on February 01, 2020

Hackers my crédit card

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Courd on July 15, 2021

His Jailbreak is a fraud.

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Ngocle on December 12, 2021

I made 10usd payment on the 26th Nov and never get back anything from him till now..

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Lounceny Camara on April 04, 2022

Aide moi à changer la version d’iso de mon iPhone

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Do you know what the source of this charge is?