First seen April 15, 2016. Last updated on August 06, 2019.

The credit card charge "NHL CONSTORE 516 NEW YORK NY USA - SHOE STORES" was first recorded on April 15, 2016. It has been flagged as suspicious by our users.

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Jenny on May 25, 2016

Mine was the same but didn't say shoe stores. It was a Reebok booth at a Crossfit event.

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kim on May 25, 2016

yep from a reebok crossfit booth

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Holly on April 27, 2017

I had the charge just now too and was confused. I read the other comments and I purchased a Reebok shirt last weekend at the Avon39 in Houston so it makes sense.

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Tricia on June 23, 2017 on June 27, 2017

I was at an Avon 39 event in Boston MA and charged once when asked if they ran my credit card he said no and recharged it with the discount of the coupon now i have two charges for different amounts.

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Rick on August 15, 2017

It was the Reebok tent at the 2017 Crossfit games.

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NHL Constore 516 on September 12, 2017

This charge showed up for a total of $33.76

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Melody on July 09, 2018

Reebok clothing at LesMills Live Orlando event. Glad this site was here so it made sense to me.

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saadia on August 13, 2018

I had the same thing happened to me, a charge for $33.75. At first i thought it was a scam but after reading these messages I realized it was a purchased I made at the Reebok tent while at the 2018 crossfit games. Glad to have read all messages. thanks

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Lindsey on September 04, 2018

Reebok purchases at live events

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Erin on August 06, 2019

Reebok tent at 2019 Crossfit Games

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Do you know what the source of this charge is?