First seen April 15, 2016. Last updated on September 16, 2015.

The credit card charge "LSIH CO.,LTD. SHENZHEN" was first recorded on April 15, 2016. It has not been reported by any users.

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Lost & broken heart on August 28, 2015

lsih co.,ltd. shenzhen disappeared after I have make the payment for my order. Their website (www.tiffanyclearance.com) even cannot be found & webpage keep on showing that ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED. I did email to them, but failed to reach them because FAILURE NOTICE!! Their email cannot be reach. I did drop them some emails before I make the payment, however, after I placed my order and pay the money, they are just DISAPPEARED. Email cannot be reach & website cannot be found.I wish I can get my money back and never trust them to buy online. Anyone can assist me in this case?

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Mira on September 03, 2015

I also bought 2 pairs of Fliptop sandals through this company. I've had a pair before, they lasted me years! One pair from this company fell apart after 6 months! The other pair probably won't even last a year! Also just tried to contact them, with no success. Will see how I'll go though the email in your reply.Moral of this story: no matter how much you're tempted, DO NOT BUY CHEAP CHINESE RUBBISH ONLINE!!!! As the saying goes, I'm not that wealthy to afford cheap goods!May karma give the people that run this company them everything they deserve!

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Mira on September 16, 2015

I've tried repeatedly to contact this company via the email below, with no response. They are quite obviously CON artists selling various rubbish products. The Fliptop site I bought from has also disappeared. I'll NEVER buy anything from a Chinese website again. I do hope they will soon get caught and receive what they deserve! KARMA REALLY IS A $#^%*!!!!!!

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Do you know what the source of this charge is?