What is IGA # 011 IGA # 011 VANCOUVER?

First seen April 15, 2016. Last updated on March 09, 2019.

The credit card charge "IGA # 011 IGA # 011 VANCOUVER" was first recorded on April 15, 2016. It has not been reported by any users.

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Merchant Information

Merchant/Company IGA Grocery Store (edit)
Website Click to Add
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Category Grocery Store (edit)
Description Charge IGA #011 is the store located Across Scotia Bank Theatre (edit)


Alona on March 09, 2019

I just noticed the same charge on my card, couldn't remember where it came from, until I retraced my steps that day. It was from a grocery store called IGA. I also had the same number (IGA # 011 Vancouver). My guess is that we went to the same store, it's right across Scociabank theater on Burrard St. and Smithe St.

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