First seen April 15, 2016. Last updated on March 29, 2024.

The credit card charge "ICIFEE BOSTON WEB PMT - MA" was first recorded on April 15, 2016. It has been flagged as suspicious by our users.

Do you have any information regarding this credit card charge? If so, please share below! Help others avoid a potential confusion by commenting!

Do you recognize this charge?

76% of users have reported this charge as suspicious.

Merchant Information

Merchant/Company Pay Parking Ticket (Boston) (edit)
Website https://wmq.etimspayments.com/pbw/include/bosto... (edit)
Phone 866-342-9267 (edit)
Category Click to Add
Description Fee for paying a parking ticket by credit card. Boston Parking Ticket Pay-By-Web Maybe be for other cities as well, who knows (edit)


A mil on May 24, 2021

It’s a transaction fee taken by the city or state when you pay something via the web like a parking ticket, excise or property tax etc

Helpful 6 0 Not Helpful
Michele on December 21, 2021

$2.95 cc charge

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Lizbeth Pagan on January 28, 2022

This account stole money from my cashapp account

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Ici web payment MA on July 06, 2022

I dont recognize this transaction

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S Soergel on November 28, 2022

This acct. stole money from me!

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Paul on December 28, 2022

I have no clue what this charge is for?

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GeoJa on February 05, 2023

ICI is an investment fund. It charges fees for processing online payments to help fund its shareholders. I was charged for paying personal property taxes online.

Helpful 3 0 Not Helpful
ICI on March 07, 2023

Charged by my bank

Helpful 1 1 Not Helpful
Pos debit ici*fee syracu web pmt on March 20, 2023


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Iesha Gunn on May 15, 2023

They charged me 3.95 I'm still trying to figure it out,but I just paid my vehicle taxes recently so I guess this is a fee they charge to for online payments

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Jennifer Kay Biltz on May 25, 2023

This link is trying to take money that they have no permission to take on May 25 2023

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Jesse on July 22, 2023

I paid my car tax in CT and they asked for 3% surcharge for paying by credit card. It was itemized separately than the car tax amount, rather than added to the total amount.

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ICI feecleanwat on August 02, 2023

I was charged $8.69 after a payment to the water reclamation was posted. Is that the fee for that?

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ws on August 07, 2023

I thought this was suspicious since it was a seperate charge I cound not identify. Clark County Nevada charges the annual sewer fee and this is the fee for paying on line to a third party processor. One has the option of a check at no charge or the fee for the card. I have it on auto pay to never be late since once a year.

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Walter J. Ferrin on September 25, 2023

It’s a transaction fee taken by the city or state when you pay something via the web like a parking ticket, excise or property tax etc

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Gary B on March 29, 2024

Confusing at first, but this was a transaction fee when I paid property taxes in CT using Google pay. Might apply to any debit/credit transaction.

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Do you know what the source of this charge is?