First seen April 15, 2016. Last updated on November 15, 2020.

The credit card charge "COMPANIES - PUBLIC OFF TORONTO ON M5G2M2 CAN" was first recorded on April 15, 2016. It has been flagged as suspicious by our users.

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Neal on September 28, 2016

I got the same charge on August 22/16. On Master Card and for $60.00 followed by $8.00. Don't remember what happened. Possible an ATM with a crazy fee? If you found out please respond.

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Mario on October 23, 2016

I got the 60$ charged 4 times in the same month in February 2015 on MC. MC removed the charge but I never got to know what/ who was behind this fraud.

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Cess on October 31, 2016

This is the government office that issues you your business registration. The $8 is for the business name search.

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Leeann on May 17, 2017

This is a renewal charge for a business license.

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No clue who or what this is for here's what is looks like disputing that. COMPANIES - PUBLIC OFF Transaction DateThursday, 10/26/2017 Posted DateSaturday, 10/28/2017 DetailsGovernment Services Appears on your statement as: COMPANIES - PUBLIC OFF TORONTO ON M5G2M2 CAN

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Alex on March 01, 2018

Que es esto? Tengo este cargo en mi tarjeta visa

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Tina on March 05, 2018

I got the very similar charge on my mastercard... - ? question of fraud... i am calling the mastercard.

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Companies-Public Offtorontoon on March 18, 2018

This may have something to do with me applying for a business licence in January. I went online to do this, I recall, went through all the steps, charged the card I think 60 bucks. Never heard nothing. No email of the licence or any communication. Now, I don’t know if I got ripped, I have no idea how to get hold of these people. I want my business licence.

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Al Chamberlain on April 13, 2018

This is service Ontario. I recently registered a business and this is the fee that was charged to my card. It’s legit, and if you don’t think it is, speak to service Ontario.

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Alex on April 29, 2018

This is charged by the Province of Ontario for registering a sole-propriatorship/company under your name. $60 is the fee to register a name other than your legal name. $8 are added if you search registered company names.

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Tricia on October 26, 2018

I received the same $60 on my card -- it was for my business name renewal through the online business registration system from the government

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Cynthia on November 03, 2018

I just received this charge as well on Oct 31st - PUBLIC OFF TORONTO. At first I freaked out. But makes sense I just registered my new business, actually the hubby did it. Good thing I checked here before contacting my Credit Card Company cause I would have raised the alarm for nothing.\

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Companies - Public Off $60.00 on May 03, 2019

No idea what this is. Definitely not ours, seems to have been reported a number of times

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Faramarz on September 17, 2019

First I thought that is fraud but I remembered that $60 was for registering a small business and $8 was for searching the name of business, glad to know that

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Liana on September 17, 2019

This is service Ontario. I recently registered a business and this is the fee that was charged to my card. It’s legit.

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%*&!ed off! on November 15, 2020

I got the same charge on my credit card, it from business license. I paid $60 for a "Master Business License" and $8 each time I search to make sure the name is not already registered. When I tried to sign up My Business Account option to remit my GST payments, I was told to enter a Valid Business #. Everyone who has been charged with this ^$#!ing company has been scammed.

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Do you know what the source of this charge is?