First seen April 15, 2016. Last updated on January 02, 2023.

The credit card charge "VODAFONE PREPAY VISA MC AUCKLAND" was first recorded on April 15, 2016. It has been flagged as suspicious by our users.

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56% of users have reported this charge as suspicious.

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Juan perez artacho on March 29, 2017

I have reciently been victim of two charges in my credit account. The total amount is 74€. I have been making up about that and I don't remember being paid such amount. Already cancelled my credit card

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Josee on May 29, 2022

Had 3 different transaction in the last 2 weeks. 100-20 and 20 so 140 in total. What is that????

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April on July 15, 2022

Report your card stolen immediately!. A - We aren't with Vodaphone B - We aren't in NZ C - Used 2 x Business Cards from the same account within 30 secs of each other

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Naomi Judith Bird on September 21, 2022

I have a S10 charge on my Visa card 16th Sept friday don't know what is for I don't use vodaphone

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Wynne on October 30, 2022

I’ve charged by my visa card on 30/10/2022 from Vodafone prepay visa mc auckland for no reasons and official bill. I am not using Vodafone recently!

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Vodafone prepayvisaMC Auckland on December 08, 2022

Vodafone account I thought was paying account

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Kai on January 02, 2023

This is the address of the person who used my card 47 sutton crescent papakura, telephone number 02102302975 the telphone appeared for another transactions they have used my cards which was stolen

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Do you know what the source of this charge is?