First seen April 15, 2016. Last updated on November 30, 2022.

The credit card charge "BESTBUYCANADA.CA #898 BURNABY BC" was first recorded on April 15, 2016. It has been flagged as suspicious by our users.

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88% of users have reported this charge as suspicious.

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Zeka on October 19, 2016

Yes, I had the same.. It's from buying something on Best Buy online and having it delivered to our home.. #898 is the code of their warehouse in Burnaby, if youwanna dispute it you can either call the warehouse or try with the headquarters (also in Burnaby)

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Barb on May 08, 2018

Had 2 charges go thru my credit card for Best Buy Canada 898 the other day Have no idea how the fraudsters got my card, as it is locked in my safe, and gas been for over a year !

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Teodoru on September 12, 2019

Date operation:17 june 2019; Paid: 126, 46 $ at 18 june 2019 RBC.CA

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BESTBUYCANADA.CA #898 BURNABY BC on December 11, 2020

Have no idea whatthis is

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Monty on January 05, 2021

(BESTBUY.CA #898 BURNABY BC) showed up on my master card today, I didn't purchase this item. Anyone at the Burnaby or other terminal that has access to inventory and card information from recent purchases can pull this off easily. It's total scam!

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linda fournier on February 22, 2021

pas recu de colis

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Derek on November 03, 2021

Transaction from Bestbuy.ca#898 BURNABY BC showed on my credit card. It's scam.I don't recall any dealings with BestBuy. I am calling my bank to cancel the card

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Nathalie on January 17, 2022

Aucune transaction qui a été fait de ma part, apparue sur ma carte de crédit décembre 2021. Bestbuy.ca#898 BURNABY BC

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Bestbuycanada.ca #898 on November 09, 2022

I did not buy an order to have shipped to my own using this credit edit.

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Nataliya on November 30, 2022

We bought something at Best Buy online. The order was canceled and the money was not returned. They took more money

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Do you know what the source of this charge is?