First seen April 15, 2016. Last updated on January 04, 2020.

The credit card charge "ARAMARK/LONDON APT #53 LONDON ON" was first recorded on April 15, 2016. It has been deemed not suspicious by our users.

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25% of users have reported this charge as suspicious.

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Crystal on October 07, 2019

Aramark London Apt #5352 is a purchase made at the London, Ontario airport. I think it was a food or news counter. I'm trying to remember myself.

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Airport Employee on November 04, 2019

I believe this is the “On the fly” cafe after security. I thought it was a scam as well until I purchased there and saw the transaction immediately.

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Trevor on January 04, 2020

I also searched for this after it appeared on my credit card, on a day I thought I was out of town. Now I remember purchasing a coffee at the London airport early in the morning, so can confirm it's the little food counter in the secure area.

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Do you know what the source of this charge is?